At St Anne’s our SEND co-ordinator is Miss Biggam and she is supported in the role by Mrs Partridge. You can contact them directly by emailing

The Graduated Approach to Special Educational Needs & Disabilities (SEND)

Our school provision map is arranged in three ‘waves’ of teaching as outlined in the diagram below. There are four broad areas of SEND need:

  1. Communication and Interaction
  2. Cognition and Learning
  3. Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
  4. Sensory and Physical Need

The SEND Code of Practice (2015) states that: “high quality teaching that is differentiated and personalised will meet the individual needs of the majority of children and young people”. This is the Quality First Teaching labelled as Wave 1.

Schools are required to “adopt a graduated approach with four stages of action: assess, plan, do and review”. If at the assessment stage schools determine that a child is not making expected progress they should plan additional provision to help close the gap between the child’s attainment and that of their peers. This may take the form of a small group intervention i.e. Wave  2.

If, when reviewed, it is found that the additional provision has not succeeded in sufficiently accelerating the child’s progress then the provision should be altered. After one or more cycles of review it may be found that the child requires more individualised support at Wave 3.

Many children receiving Wave 3 provision will be classified as having a Special Educational Need (SEN). Further details regarding legal definition of SEN and our school’s process for the identification and support of those with SEN can be found in the school’s SEN Information Report.

Download a copy of our Whole School Provision Map here

Download a copy of our SEND Information and SEND Policy

SEND Offer

Please follow this link for information on Tameside’s local offer of services, support and guidance for parents and carers of children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)


The SEND Support Service is now operating a Parent/Carer Helpline. This service is for the parents/carers of children with EHCPs, currently not in school. The service will offer support and guidance to parents/carers with SEND children at home, and who are currently struggling to support, engage and/or manage their SEND needs. Whilst the SEND team may be able to offer strategies to help a child engage with school work set by the child/ young person’s school, they cannot set a curriculum for your child. This will continue to be provided by school. The helpline will be available to parents/carers from Monday 30th March, and will operate between the hours of 9am-1pm. Helpline details as follows:

Working hours:
09.00-11.00 0161 343 8381
11.00-13.00 07971 132 375

Support for parents during COVID-19 school closures: