Mission Statement
We began by appreciating the wonder of creation and how at times the world doesn’t always reflect the plan God had. We then compared ourselves to one of Jesus’ ancestors, creating a book of proverbs and a wisdom prayer. Finally, I then made a promise to the school and world and created a poem to demonstrate how I will fulfil God’s plan.
This half term, the focus will be invasion games beginning with Netball. Pictures will be added over the half term.
PE – Sports Stars of the Week!
Week 1 – Year 4
Week 2 – Brodie, Lucas, Madeline and Izzy
Life is Mathematical – Unit 1 – Place Value
We began our first unit place value, with a ‘Life is Mathematical’ lesson. This gave a purpose to the children of why place value is important and why we need it in our everyday lives. Each child was presented with a range of facts, riddles, jokes and statements. They then had to categorize each fact using the number provided and place it in the correct place value column. The children had so much fun presenting their findings.
Roald Dahl Day
Inspired by the ‘BFG’ and ‘Revolting Rhymes’
Be moved by my Gloriumptious GobbleFunk Name, read my own Bogey Man inspired poem and enjoy looking at how I learnt to draw like Quentin Blake.
Pen Licence
A huge congratulations to these two wonderful ladies for achieving their pen licence award. Happy writing!!!